Going to the Academy Museum
Visiting the Academy Museum (6067 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036.) Let's go by bus (bus 20 runs every 15 minutes.) Admission for Seniors (62+) is $19. Please get your...
Visiting the Academy Museum (6067 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036.) Let's go by bus (bus 20 runs every 15 minutes.) Admission for Seniors (62+) is $19. Please get your...
In partnership with StreetsLA and DOT, CD11 has organized a virtual briefing for the Brentwood community on where the various San Vicente Blvd projects currently stand. Councilwoman Park and members...
Trivia + Holidays + 2nd Brentwoodmeet Birthday 🥳 🎂 🎉 = FUN GUARANTEED We are celebrating our 2nd birthday party for Brentwoodmeet AND Hanukkah AND Christmas AND Kwaanza AND.... let...
What: The Brentwood Community Council (“BCC”) Meetings are open to the public. The BCC is the broadest-based Brentwood community organization, representing approximately 36,000 stakeholders of the community, including homeowner associations,...
If you like singing and dancing, if you feel lonely and want to meet new people: This event is for you. Come and join Music Mends Minds Group and have...
Meet your neighbors, make new friends and play Trivia. Teams or individuals welcome. Walk / Commute or Use Parking at the Post Office (after 3:00 pm.) Neighbors Spirit: Kindly bring food...
What: Coffee (or tea :-) Who: Neighbors Where: Coffee Bean (San Vicente and Barrington) When: Fridays 2:00 pm RSVP is needed.
Meet your neighbors, make new friends and play Trivia. Teams or individuals welcome. Location TBD. FUN guaranteed. PRIZES for the winning team! Please register / RSVP at brentwoodmeet@gmail.com
If you like singing and dancing, if you feel lonely and want to meet new people: This event is for you. Come and join Music Mends Minds Group and have...
If you like singing and dancing, if you feel lonely and want to meet new people: This event is for you. Come and join Music Mends Minds Group and have...